Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Yuki Koike of the band WAFOO referred AMICA to me to shoot shots for her upcoming CD "LOVE IN LIVES". She is very big in Japan and has such a sweet voice that I'm sure we will be hearing much more of her over here.

ESORO Polymedia Projects in Jersey City currenty has the work of my good friend Rich "BAMA" Admiral on exhibit.

Bama and Blu
Legends of the Art World came out: Ket 1, CoCo 144, Lava, Shadow, FDT 56, FLINT 707
(camera shy : Jamestop and Snake 1 and Cey)

Including Lee Quinones and his son
To my surprise my old Band Mates were there too.
Guitars Extraordinaire: Khadri Smith, Vernon Reid and Marvin Gibbs.
(camera shy Andre Harris, Ron White, Stan 153 and Wicked Gary)